Emmanuel Bett
Software Developer
Know your Pay As You Earn
Keep track of income and expenses. Add, remove, and save items to local storage
Performed Data wrangling techniques and carried out Exploratory Data Analysis to gain insights into factors influencing employee attrition.
Back 2 Viz Basics 2024/Week 10 challenge
An end-to-end project that migrates data from Excel (via Kaggle) into a Power BI dashboard.
Practicing Data Cleansing, Transformation in SQL, and Microsoft Power BI Analysis
Interactive dashboard on Financial Consumer Complaints by using Tableau.
Exploring Shifting Trends in Poultry, Pork, and Beef from 2000-2022 Using Line Charts During #MakeOverMonday Week 10, 2023
Analyzing Xiaomi MiFit Sleep Data with CSV Files, Visualizations, and Linear Regressions for Insights on Sleep Patterns
This project is divided into two major parts. In the first part, I conducted an exploratory data analysis on a dataset Ford GoBike System Data